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The Long Non-Coding RNAs: Novel Regulatory Factors Associated with Development and Stress Response of Plants
黄 杰陈 勇高日芳毛莹莹郑柏艳张帆涛*谢建坤*
(江西师范大学生命科学学院,江西 南昌 330022)
HUANG JieCHEN YongGAO RifangMAO YingyingZHENG BoyanZHANG Fantao*XIE Jiankun*
(College of Life Sciences,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China)
长链非编码RNA 调控因子 发育 胁迫响应
long non-coding RNA regulatory factor development stress response
Q 71
长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA, lncRNA)是指在基因组序列中长度大于200 nt,没有明显的开放阅读框,并且不具备蛋白编码能力的转录本.早期阶段,lncRNA一度被认为是遗传物质中的“转录噪声”.然而,随着越来越多的研究在不同物种中被报道,以及对lncRNA的功能研究逐渐深入,lncRNA已经逐渐成为基因组学领域的研究热点.该文系统地介绍了lncRNA的分类方法,总结了lncRNA参与调控植物发育与逆境胁迫响应的特征和机制,分析了lncRNA的主要研究技术和策略,并讨论了当前存在的主要问题以及未来的研究方向,旨在为后续的植物lncRNA研究及其在育种领域中的实际运用提供一定的指导依据.
Long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)are characterized by the sequence length exceeding 200 nt,absence of substantial open reading frames,and lack of protein-coding potential.These transcripts are previously regarded as “transcriptional noise” in the genome.Nevertheless,as the number of reported lncRNAs in various species continues to increase and further investigations into their functionality progress,lncRNAs have gradually become a hotspot in the field of genomics.In this review,the lncRNA classification is systematically presented,the characteristics and mechanisms in regulating plant developmental processes and stress response are reviewed,the recent techniques and strategies employed in the related field are analyzed,and the current challenges and future prospects are discussed.The objective of this review is to establish a theoretical framework for investigating plant lncRNAs and to explore their potential applications inthe field of breeding.


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