 ZHOU Yaxian,LI Yankuo*,SHAN Jihong,et al.The Species Diversity of Water Birds in the Five River-Catchment of Poyang Lake[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2018,(06):571-577.[doi:10.16357/j.cnki.issn1000-5862.2018.06.03]





The Species Diversity of Water Birds in the Five River-Catchment of Poyang Lake
周鸭仙1李言阔1*单继红2涂晓斌2魏振华1邵瑞清1张 娜1
1.江西师范大学生命科学学院,江西 南昌 330022; 2.江西省野生动植物保护管理局,江西 南昌 330038
ZHOU Yaxian1LI Yankuo1*SHAN Jihong2TU Xiaobin2WEI Zhenhua1SHAO Ruiqing1ZHANG Na1
1.College of Life Science,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China; 2.Wildlife Service of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang Jiangxi 330038,China
鄱阳湖 五河流域 越冬水鸟 同步调查法 物种多样性
Poyang Lake Five River-Catchment water bird synchronous survey species diversity
Q 958
于2016年1月和2017年1月,利用样线法和同步调查法对赣江、信江、饶河、抚河、修河五河流域水鸟现状开展调查,共记录到越冬水鸟7目11科46种,包括目、鹈形目、鹳形目、雁形目、鹤形目、鲣鸟目和鸻形目; 其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物2种:黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)和中华秋沙鸭(Mergus squamatus); 国家Ⅱ级保护动物2种:小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)和鸳鸯(Aix galericulata).在居留型方面,冬候鸟33种,占总数71.74%.五河流域中越冬水鸟的物种数以修河和抚河最高(各24种); 越冬水鸟物种多样性指数最高的为修河(2.998),抚河流域最低(1.924).利用R语言基于个体数据进行了稀疏外推,预测了五河流域对越冬水鸟的最大承载力.结果表明:抽样强度充分,五河水系水鸟种数估计值与观察到的物种数一致; 同时,五河流域虽有相当数量的越冬水鸟分布,但鄱阳湖越冬水鸟并没有向五河水系扩散.
In this study,synchronous survey and transect methods are used to investigate the water bird species diversity and distribution in January 2016 and January 2017.Totally 46 species from 11 families of 7 orders are recorded,including water birds of Podicipediformes,Pelecaniformes,Ciconiiformes,Anseriformes,Gruiformes,Suliformes and Charadriiformes.Black stork(Ciconia nigra)and Chinese merganser(Mergus squamatus)have been listed in the first category of the nationally protected wildlife species in China.Mandarin duck(Aix galericulata)and Tundra swan(Cygnus columbianus)have been listed in the second category of the nationally protected wildlife species.In terms residential types,there are 33 winter migrant which accounts for 71.74% of the total species.Xiuhe River and Fuhe River has highest species.The highest wintering waterfowl diversity index is Xiuhe(2.998),and Fuhe River is the lowest(1.924).Furthermore,the rarefaction and extrapolation curve has been used to estimate the species richness in the Five River-Catchment,and predict the maximum carrying capacity of water birds in their wintering grounds.The results show that 44 species are near the maximum estimation of water birds.Although there are considerable water birds inhabiting in five rivers,and no obvious dispersion of water birds from Poyang Lake to five rivers is detected.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-12-20