 ZHANG Ting,CAI Hai-Sheng,WANG Xiao-ming.Summarization of the Effects of Land Use Changes on Carbon Emission[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2013,(01):93-100.





Summarization of the Effects of Land Use Changes on Carbon Emission
ZHANG Ting;CAI Hai-Sheng;WANG Xiao-ming
land use change carbon emission mechanization effect
Bases on the impact of a major ecological mechanisms of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon stocks(CO2 fertilization effect,increased nitrogen deposition,pollution,global climate change,land use change and land management),the impact of land use change on terrestrial ecosystem structure and function was described,as well as changes of system carbon stocks.This article discusses the effect of land use carbon emissions from land-use change and land management,deforestation into farmland and grassland greatly reduces ecosystem vegetation and soil carbon storage.Farmland and grassland abandonment revert to forest,and the use of farmland protective management measures,can make the atmosphere in the vegetation and soil carbon get together.The forest vegetation recovery progress can collect a lot of pooled atmospheric carbon, however, because of farmland farming history and different soil spatial heterogeneity,which lead to soil carbon collection rate vary enormously.Protective farmland management measures(such as zero tillage,reasonable cropping system,fertilizer application,etc.)can affect the soil physical and chemical properties,crop root growth and residue quantity and quality,soil microbial quantity and activity,maintain and improve soil carbon content level.Land use carbon emissions accounting mainly from vegetation and soil carbon of terrestrial ecosystem carbon,reviewes the research progress at home and abroad.


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