 HUANG Wei,HU Na,GUI Tian,et al.The Hydrogen Generation from Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane via Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Co-ZIF-9[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2015,(04):404-410.





The Hydrogen Generation from Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane via Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Co-ZIF-9
江西师范大学化学化工学院,江西省无机膜材料工程技术研究中心,江西 南昌 330022
HUANG Wei;HU Na;GUI Tian;ZHANG Fei;CHEN Xiangshu
ammonia boraneCo-ZIF-9solvothermal methodhydrolysishydrogen generation
采用溶剂热方法合成了沸石咪唑酯骨架结构材料Co-ZIF-9,并将其用于非均相催化氨硼烷水解放氢实验.结果表明:配位的Co-ZIF-9在室温下能够有效地催化氨硼烷放出氢气,且其催化活性远高于Co纳米粒子,Co-ZIF-9的多孔结构在催化中起了很大的作用.另外,Co-ZIF-9催化水解氨硼烷的活化能约为40.8 kJ mol-1,低于多数用于该催化实验的其他催化剂,表明所合成的沸石咪唑酯骨架结构材料Co-ZIF-9具有优越的催化性能.
Crystalline zeolite imidazolate framework ZIF-9 has been prepared via solvothermal method ,and used as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of am-monia borane( AB)complex to generate a stoichiometric of hydrogen at room temperature. Co-ZIF-9 exhibited much higher catalytic activity than the bare Co nanoparticles( NPs)for hydrogen generation from the hydrolysis of AB,duo to that the porous structure of Co-ZIF-9 play an impor-tant role in the catalytic hydrolysis of AB. Additionally,the activation energy for Co-ZIF-9 was measured to be approximately of 40 . 8 kJ · mol-1 ,being lower than most of reported activation energy values for the same reaction using many different catalysts,indicating the superior catalyt-ic performance of Co-ZIF-9 .


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