 ZHANG Daoda,SUN Yanle,YAO Xuefeng,et al.The Study of Microstructure and Properties of Ultrafine-Grained TWIP Steel with Heavily Deformation[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2017,(01):62-66.





The Study of Microstructure and Properties of Ultrafine-Grained TWIP Steel with Heavily Deformation
张道达孙衍乐姚学峰熊 伟付立铭单爱党
1.江西省机械科学研究所,江西 南昌 330002; 2.上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,上海 200240
ZHANG DaodaSUN YanleYAO XuefengXIONG WeiFU LimingSHAN Aidang
1.Jiangxi Mechanical Science Institute,Nanchang Jiangxi 330002,China; 2.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
超细晶TWIP钢 大变形轧制 退火 组织 性能
ultrafine-grained TWIP steel large deformation rolling annealing treatment microstructures properties
TG 335.1
通过大变形异步-同步轧制及随后600 ℃和700 ℃退火处理,成功制备了超细晶高锰TWIP钢,并研究了退火处理对大变形TWIP钢的组织和性能的影响.研究结果表明:经96%异步-同步大变形轧制后,材料组织显著细化,抗拉强度从621 MPa大幅提升至2 050 MPa; 经过600 ℃退火后,大变形轧制TWIP钢的组织基本完成了再结晶,材料的平均晶粒尺寸约为500 nm,抗拉强度1 079 MPa,延伸率达到了29%; 而经过700 ℃退火后,大变形TWIP钢的组织发生了完全再结晶,平均晶粒尺寸约为600 nm,抗拉强度达到了1 101 MPa,延伸率达到了54%.退火后的组织中存在大量的层错、位错胞等亚结构.相对于大变形轧制态和600 ℃退火态,700 ℃退火态的超细晶TWIP钢的优异的综合力学性能,主要源于孪晶诱发塑性变形机制及合金较低的层错能.
The ultrafine-grained(UFG)high-Mn austenitic steels are successfully produced by combination of heavily asymmetric rolling(ASR)and symmetric rolling(SR)method and the subsequent annealing treatment at 600 ℃and 700 ℃.The effect of the annealing treatment on the microstructures and properties of UFG TWIP steel is studied.The result shows that the microstructures are greatly refnined after heavily cold ASR-SR processing and the ultimate tensile strength(UTS)of the steel is increased from 621 MPa to 2 050 MPa.After 600 ℃ annealing treatament,the average grain size of theUFG TWIP steel is about 500 nm and the UTS and elongation are 1 079 MPa and 29%,respectively.After 700 ℃ annealing treatament,the average grain size of the steel is increased to 600 nm and the UTS and elongation are 1 101 MPa and 54%,respectively.The microstructures also mainly comprise high density stacking faults,dislocations in the annealed heavily ASR-SRed TWIP steels.In comparison of the heavily ASR-SRed and the 600 ℃ annealed steels,the excellent comprehensive mechanic properties of the 700 ℃ annealed UFG TWIP steelis mainly attributed to the relative lower stacking faults energy of the steel and the twinning mechanism during the deformation.


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