 XU Liting,YANG Wenjing,YOU Qinghui,et al.The Recent Advances in Applications of Index of Biotic Integrity on the Assessment of Wetland Ecological Health[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2017,(01):104-110.





The Recent Advances in Applications of Index of Biotic Integrity on the Assessment of Wetland Ecological Health
徐丽婷阳文静游清微杨 涛黄 琪王野乔
1.江西师范大学鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室,江西 南昌 330022; 2.江西师范大学地理与环境学院,江西 南昌 330022; 3.江西师范大学生命科学学院,江西 南昌 330022.
XU LitingYANG WenjingYOU QinghuiYANG TaoHUANG QiWANG Yeqiao
1.Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research,Ministry of Education,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China; 2.College of Geography and Environment,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China; 3.College of Li
湿地 生态健康评价 生物完整性指数(IBI) 指示生物 人类活动干扰
wetland ecological health assessment index of biotic integrity(IBI) biological indicators human disturbance
X 171.1
The concept of biotic integrity,the procedures of developing an IBI and the application of IBIs in different wetland ecosystems are introduced.IBIs have been most widely applied to rivers,streams and lakes for assessing the impacts of human activities and climate change on wetland ecological health.The most commonly used biological indicators include macroinvertebrates and fishes.It is found that there are large methodological differences in defining reference conditions,in the choice of IBI metrics and metric scoring,and that optimizing the methods for IBI development should be emphasized in future research.It is also suggested that combining IBI with other techniques such as remote sensing and geostatistics would largely expand the applicability of IBI on wetland ecological monitoring at different spatial scales.


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