 LI Yipei,LIU Mochou,HE Liling,et al.The Preparation of Vertical Graphene from Non-Gaseous Materials[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2020,(06):551-560.[doi:10.16357/j.cnki.issn1000-5862.2020.06.01]





The Preparation of Vertical Graphene from Non-Gaseous Materials
李艺培刘莫愁何莉玲刘 健刘盛旺王志朋*
江西师范大学先进材料研究院,江西 南昌 330022
LI YipeiLIU MochouHE LilingLIU JianLIU ShengwangWANG Zhipeng*
Institute of Advanced Materials,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China
垂直石墨烯 化学气相沉积 等离子体 非气态碳源
vertical graphene chemical vapor deposition plasma non-gaseous materials
O 611.4
Vertical graphene is a novel three-dimensional carbon material structure formed by the growth of graphene sheets perpendicular to the substrates.Due to its unique growth orientation,it can effectively reduce the stacking of graphene layers and exert the excellent characteristics of graphene.Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology as the main method for the synthesis of vertical graphene often requires the introduction of chemical synthesis gas as carbon sources which are subject to the low flexibility of the raw materials.The use of non-gaseous carbon sources for vertical graphene preparation and their application are reviewed in this paper.Finally,the growth mechanism is discussed.


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