 ZHOU Xue-ling,XIONG Jian-qiu,JIAN Min-fei,et al.Heavy Metals Accumulation of Dominant Aquatic Plants in the Wetland of Le'an River and Poyang Lake[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2013,(02):210-215.





Heavy Metals Accumulation of Dominant Aquatic Plants in the Wetland of Le'an River and Poyang Lake
ZHOU Xue-ling;XIONG Jian-qiu;JIAN Min-fei;CHEN Pu-qing;XU Peng-fei;LI Ling-yu
Poyang LakeLe'an Riveraquatic plantsheavy metalsaccumulation
通过野外调查和室内分析,采用生物富集因子和重金属污染指数等方法研究乐安河-鄱阳湖段水土或底泥环境中Cu、Pb、Cd等重金属的含量及不同生境中自然生长的18种水生植物植株内的富集积累特性.研究结果表明:植物长势良好,未发现受害症状,一些植物的根区土壤Cu、Cd含量超过土壤环境质量3级标准,18种水生植物对Cu、Pb、Cd等3种重金属污染物中的1种或2种表现出超富集能力,其富集系数均大于l,其中苦草、青葙、金鱼藻对重金属Pb、Cd具有共富集特征,箭叶蓼对Cu、Cd具有共富集特征.植株体内的重金属含量及其水土环境中重金属含量的相关性分析表明,植物及其根区环境中的重金属含量呈现出显著性或极显著的相关性.重金属污染指数(MPI)结果表明:以旱苗蓼的MPI值最高,达到2 102.25,反映出旱苗蓼生境中重金属的污染程度最高,MPI值能综合反映植物生境中重金属的污染程度.18种水生植物对鄱阳湖湿地在Cu、Pb和Zn等重金属复合污染的生态修复具有一定的参考价值.
With the field sampling methods and laboratory experiments analysis,the concentration of Cu,Cd,Pb were measured in 18 species of dominant aquatic plants and the habitat soils or sediments in Le'an River and Poyang Lake,the enrichment and accumulation of the dominant aquatic plants were also evaluated by using the methods of Bio-concentration Factors(BCF)and Metal Pollution Index(MPI).The results indicated that most aquatic plants in the sampling sits grew well without any toxic symptoms.In some test soils or sediments,the concentration of Cu and Cd exceeded the third standard value of Soil Environment Quality.All 18 species of aquatic plants showed hyperaccumulation ability to one or two kinds of the heavy metal pollutants included Cu,Pb and Cd because the value of BCF were larger than one.Some plants also showed the common enrichment characteristics,e.g.Vallisneria natans,Celosia argentea and Ceratophyllum demersum had strong accumulation on both heavy metals of Pb and Cd,and PoIygonum sieboldii had strong accumulation on both heavy metals of Cu and Cd.The results of correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between the concentration of Cu,Cd,Pb in 18 species of dominant aquatic plants and those of their habitat soils.The results of the value of Metal Pollution Index indicated that the MPI value of PoIygonum lapathifolium was 2 102.25,which was the highest and reflected the heavy metal pollution on the habitats.The value of MPI can also be reflected the heavy metals compound pollution on the habitats comprehensively.18 species of aquatic plants had the greater development potential and application prospect in the phyto-remediation of the wetland water and soil contaminated by heavy metals such as Cu,Pb and Zn.


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