 ZHOU Tian-shou.Review on Gene Expression Models: Probability Distribution[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2012,(03):221-229.





Review on Gene Expression Models: Probability Distribution
ZHOU Tian-shou
gene expression gene state biochemical master equation probability density generating function
定量化基因表达(包括数学建模及定性与定量分析)是理解细胞内部过程的重要一步,也是当今系统生物学的核心研究内容.基因表达模型已从最初的单状态简单模型发展到考虑细化生物过程、众多生物因素的多状态复杂模型.基于生物学的中心法则,综述了有关基因表达模型的最新研究进展,聚焦于数学模型的完善、mRNA 与蛋白质数目的概率分布等研究方面.通过综述,试图总结出有关基因表达的某些一般性规律,并提出今后需要进一步研究的问题与发展方向
Quantifying gene expression (including mathematical modeling and qualitative and quantitative analysis) is not only an important step toward to understanding intracellular processes but also the core of the current systems biology. Gene expression models have been developed to complicated multi-state models considering detailed biological processes and a number of biological factors from the initial simple single-state models. Based on central dogma in biology, The proceeding in the study of gene expression models, focusing on improvement of mathematical models, probability distribution of mRNAs and proteins, etc . are simply reviewed . Consequently, some general laws related to gene expression are summarized. In addition, some issues to deserve further studies are discussed and potential directions are pointed out.


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