 SHI Lei,YI Cai-feng.The Growth of Solutions for a Class Higher Order Linear Differential Equations[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2012,(03):230-233.





The Growth of Solutions for a Class Higher Order Linear Differential Equations
SHI Lei YI Cai-feng
differential equations entire function deficient value infinite order
利用 Nevanlinna 的基本理论和方法,研究了齐次线性微分方程() f k+A f k k??11++=及非齐次Af 0线性微分方程解的增长性.在假设存在某个(1 A s s k ?≤≤1)具有有限亏值的有限级整函数的情况下,证明了齐次线性微分方程的任一非零解均为无穷级,非齐次方程除1个例外解外,其它的非零解也均为无穷级
By using the fundamental theory and method of Nevanlinna, the growth of solutions of the homogeneous linear differential equation and non-homogeneous linear differential equation was investigated. Assuming some is entire functions with a finite deficient value, it was proved that every solution f ≡/ 0 of the homogeneous differential equation has infinite order. Furthermore, the solutions f ≡/ 0 of non-homogeneous linear differential equation have the same property except for an extra solution.


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