 ZHANG Long,TU Dongbo.The Common DIF Detection Methods Introduction and Comparison for Polytomous Items[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2015,(05):441-448.





The Common DIF Detection Methods Introduction and Comparison for Polytomous Items
ZHANG Long;TU Dongbo
differential item functioningpolytomous itemsdetection methods
Differential item functioning( DIF)is a statistical technique to ensure a fair test. Multi-level scoring i-tems are indispensable for educational measurement and psychometrics,but there is still no published articles com-pletely described DIF detection method for multi-level scoring items in generally,this article class the non-paramet-ric polytomous DIF detection methods and parameters polytomous DIF detection methods,these two categories of such methods were described and compared,and follow-up development were discussed.


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