[1]卢 汀,巩元勇*,赵丽华,等.高尔基体蛋白功能研究进展[J].江西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,(03):233-240.[doi:10.16357/j.cnki.issn1000-5862.2021.03.03]
 LU Ting,GONG Yuanyong*,ZHAO Lihua,et al.The Research Advances in Function of Golgins[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2021,(03):233-240.[doi:10.16357/j.cnki.issn1000-5862.2021.03.03]





The Research Advances in Function of Golgins
卢 汀巩元勇*赵丽华闫 飞
攀枝花学院生物与化学工程学院,四川 攀枝花 617000
LU TingGONG Yuanyong*ZHAO LihuaYAN Fei
School of Biological and Chemical Engineering,Panzhihua University,Panzhihua Sichuan 617000,China
高尔基体 高尔基体蛋白 螺旋卷曲蛋白 拴系
Golgi apparatus Golgins coiled-coil proteins tethering
Q 942.4
Golgins are a family of coiled-coil proteins which is located on the surface of the Golgi apparatus.Currently,there are 11 Golgins that are most widely studied.They are located in different parts of the Golgi stacks.Three of them are located on the surface of cis-Golgi,and four kinds of Golgins are located on the surface of the trans-Golgi and Golgi rims,respectively.They are anchored to the Golgi membrane surface by their own carboxyl end of peptide chain,or by trans-membrane domain,or by binding with small GTPase.At present,it is certainly that their main function is to participate in maintaining the stability of the Golgi structure and membrane traffic in the cytoplasm.They also have many important functions that are still under continuous research and exploration.The latest research progress on the functions of these 11 Golgins is comprehensively reviewed in this paper,hoping to provide references for researchers to further study on this field.


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作者简介:卢 汀(1985—),男,重庆江北人,讲师,博士后,主要从事细胞学研究.E-mail:luting@pzhu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-06-10