 YANG Ping,CHAI Wen-bo,HUANG Jing,et al.Study on Morphological Diversity of Microcystis(Cyanopthyta) from Poyang Lake,China[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2014,(05):496-500.





Study on Morphological Diversity of Microcystis(Cyanopthyta) from Poyang Lake,China
江西师范大学生命科学学院,江西 南昌,330022
YANG Ping;CHAI Wen-bo;HUANG Jing;LI Shou-chun
bloomMicrocystismorphological characteristicPoyang Lake
2011年1月至10月对鄱阳湖的微囊藻 Microcystis 进行采集和分离培养,得到9种常见微囊藻并对其进行了详细的形态学观察和描述,分别是铜绿微囊藻(M. aeruginosa)、水华微囊藻(M. flos-aquae)、鱼害微囊藻(M. ichthyoblabe)、惠氏微囊藻(M. wesenbergii)、假丝微囊藻(M. pseudofilamentosa)、史密斯微囊藻(M. smithii)、放射微囊藻(M. botrys)、绿色微囊藻(M. viridis)、挪氏微囊藻(M. novacekii),讨论了培养情况下微囊藻的形态学差异,阐述了鄱阳湖水华蓝藻类群的研究现状及微囊藻的潜在危害.
From January to October in 2011,several strains of Microcystis species in Poyang Lake,China,were col-lected and sucessfully isolated. Nine common species of Microcystis were obtained and morphologically described, and they were M. aeruginosa,M. flos-aquae,M. ichthyoblabe,M. wesenbergii,M. pseudofilamentosa,M. smithii,M. botrys,M. viridis,M. novacekii. Morphological difference of Microcystis at culture conditions was evaluated,and char-acterization of bloom-forming cyanobacteria and potential hazard of Microcystis in the lake was discussed.


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更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01