 TU Hongqiang,LIU Huifang.On Growth of Solutions of Some Second Order Linear Differential Equations[J].Journal of Jiangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2017,(02):184-188.





On Growth of Solutions of Some Second Order Linear Differential Equations
江西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,江西 南昌 330022
TU HongqiangLIU Huifang
College of Mathematics and Informatics,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330022,China
微分方程 整函数 Denjoy猜想 增长级
differential equation entire function Denjoy’s conjecture order of growth
O 174.52
研究2阶微分方程f ″+A1(z)f ’+A0(z)f=0解的增长性.假设A1(z)=h1eQ1(z)+h2eQ2(z),其中Qj(j=1,2)n(n≥1)次多项式,hj(j=1,2)为级小于n的整函数,A0为满足下级μ(A0)≠n的超越整函数或A0为满足Denjoy猜想极值情况的整函数,得到上述方程的每个非零解都具有无穷级,同时对解的超级进行了估计.
The growth of solutions of second order linear differential equations f ″+A1(z)f ’+A0(z)f=0 is investigated.Let A1(z)=h1eQ1(z)+h2eQ2(z),where Qj(z)(j=1,2) are polynomials with degree n(n≥1),hj(j=1,2) are entire functions with order less than n,and let A0 be a transcendental entire function with lower order μ(A0)≠n or A0 or a function extremal for Denjoy’s conjecture,then every nontrivial solution of such equations is of infinite order.Some estimates on hyper-order of its solutions are also obtained.


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